Giving Plants More Nutrients With Less Applied Fertilizer
Cascade Agronomics is a distributor of AgroLiquid products. AgroLiquid products are known for their Flavonol Polymer Technology. This technology increases fertilizer efficiency, which aids in solving a common problem most farmers are familiar with: nutrient tie-up in the soil. With this specific agricultural challenge, nutrients fail to reach their full growth potential due to becoming “tied up” in the soil before plants can use them. After that, they often end up filtering away through rain and snow melt. With the incorporation of AgroLiquid products, nutrients are allowed to release slowly and directly to plants, which allows the plants to use these nutrients more efficiently, with less soil tie-up and runoff.
Russet Potato Yield 3 Yr. Avg - Columbia Basin, WA
•Conventional Dry Broadcast @ Pre-Plant plus 10-34-0 @ 35 GPA applied at planting beside seed.
•Conventional Dry Broadcast @ Pre-Plant plus Pro-Germinator @ 15 GPA applied at planting beside seed.
•Conventional Dry Broadcast @ Pre-Plant plus 10-34-0 @ 35 GPA, Sure K @ 8 GPA & 4 GPA eNhance applied at planting beside seed. 2 applications of Sure K @ 2 GPA with UAN 32% in season.
•Full AgroLiquid Program: High N @ 25 GPA, Pro-Germinator @ 29 GPA, Sure K @ 12 GPA & eNhance @ 4 GPA applied at planting beside seed.
•*Full AgroLiquid program Avg. of 2010 & 2011 only.
Let Cascade Agronomics help you decide how AgroLiquid can benefit you!
Contact a member of our sales team for product inquiry, and let us know how we, along with AgroLiquid, can meet your crop needs.
Main Office (509) 764-7000